Safe and Secure Communities
1.10 Worry About Being a Victim
Analysis of Perceived Crime Risks (2017-2023)
- General Trends:
Declining Fear of Mugging: Reports of frequent fears about getting mugged decreased significantly from 6.8% in 2017 to 3.2% in 2020, before stabilizing around 5% in subsequent years.
Burglary Concerns: Fear of home burglary fluctuated, peaking at 20.1% in 2017 but reducing to 15.1% in 2023, indicating a moderate decrease in concern.
Car Theft Concerns: Worries about having a car stolen or broken into have increased, especially in 2022 (25.9%), but stabilized at around 20% in 2023. - Identity Theft Awareness:
Concerns regarding identity theft have remained relatively consistent, with the percentage of respondents perceiving this as a frequent risk hovering around 20-24% across the years. - Weapon Threats:
Fears of being attacked or threatened with a weapon showed variability, with a peak of 9.6% in 2022, but declining to 7.3% in 2023. - Rare or Never Experiences:
The "Rarely or Never" category indicates that a significant portion of the population feels either safe or indifferent to these crimes, suggesting improved public confidence in safety over time.
Overall, the data reflects a trend of decreasing fear of personal victimization over the years, particularly regarding mugging and home burglaries. However, concerns about car theft and identity theft persist, highlighting areas for continued public safety efforts.