5.03 Capital Investment Created
1. Tempe Capital Investment Target (2015-2023)
● Steady Growth: Starting from 2015, capital investments in Tempe experienced a consistent increase, with a significant upward spike beginning in 2021.
● Rapid Surge in Recent Years: The sharp rise from 2021 onwards suggests large-scale investments or an influx of capital, likely in response to major projects or external funding.
● Future Expectations: The exponential rise in 2022-2023 indicates potential ongoing or planned projects requiring substantial capital in the near term.
2. Tempe Capital Investment Actual (2015-2022)
● Volatility in Investment: Unlike the steady target, the actual capital investments show more fluctuation. Periods of increase (e.g., 2016, 2020) are followed by declines.
● Peaks in 2021: A sharp rise around 2021 suggests high capital flow, but the dip after that indicates some projects may have concluded or were scaled back.
● 2022 Decline: The reduction after 2021 suggests either the completion of major projects or shifts in investment priorities.
3. GPEC Capital Investment Actual (2012-2022)
● Spike in 2018: The most notable feature is the dramatic peak in 2018, suggesting a one-time major project or initiative driving massive capital investment that year.
● Return to Normalcy: After the 2018 spike, investments fall back to more typical levels, stabilizing in 2021-2022, possibly indicating the completion of major initiatives.
● Recent Growth: A gradual rise post-2020 shows a recovery or steady growth, indicating renewed or ongoing investments.