Financial Stability and Vitality

5.14 Audit Completion Rate

Audit Completion Status by Fiscal Year (2017-18)

What the data tells us:

●     The data captures the completion status of audits conducted during the 2017-18 fiscal year. The majority of the projects listed were either completed or carried over to the following year. Completed projects are essential for ensuring compliance and transparency, whereas carry-over audits can point to inefficiencies in the process.

●     The mix between completed and carry-over projects shows that several projects were delayed, potentially due to resource limitations, the complexity of the audits, or unforeseen challenges in the auditing process.

Key Insights:

  1. High number of carry-overs: The large portion of carry-over audits suggests bottlenecks or delays in the audit process, possibly due to understaffing, lack of resources, or the complexity of certain projects.
  2. Impact on compliance: Carry-over audits may have implications for compliance and accountability, as projects that are not completed on time can delay critical findings and corrective actions.
  3. Focus on high-priority projects: Some audits, particularly those labeled as “complete,” may have been prioritized for timely completion, indicating effective project triaging in resource-constrained scenarios.
  4. Need for process improvements: If the trend of carry-overs continues in subsequent years, this may highlight an opportunity for improving efficiency in audit planning, execution, or resource allocation.