Tempe Population demographics

Tempe Population by Race and Ethnicity

Graphs show the population trends for various racial and ethnic groups in Tempe, Arizona, between 2013 and 2022.

1.      White Population: The white population remains significantly higher than other racial groups, with a relatively stable trend from 2013 to 2019, followed by a slight decline starting in 2020. Despite this decline, the white population continues to represent the largest racial group.

2.      Other Racial and Ethnic Groups: The population levels of other groups such as Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are much smaller and remain relatively stable across the years, with slight fluctuations.

3.      Multiracial Group: The percentage of individuals identifying as multiracial steadily increases over the years, indicating growing diversity within the population. This group occupies a relatively small but gradually growing portion of the population, especially in the latter years.

4.      General Observations: While the white population shows some decrease in recent years, other racial groups have maintained their numbers, indicating that the population dynamics are more stable for minority groups.